Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lessons from Day 1, or, Me vs. the Taco Dip

I started the day with the best of intentions. I had a plan of what I was going to eat all day in my head and I went grocery shopping to make sure I had everything on hand. But that's not how life works. Ever.

I started the day weighing myself. I did this, of course, to the melodic sounds of my daughter's first temper tantrum of the day. You know, because Daddy is so mean because he makes her keep her oatmeal in the bowl. Mean mean Daddy. Anyways, I was sort of surprised by my weight. I have eaten crap for the last two weeks. Mass quantities of crap. Bacon cheeseburger with extra fries? Not my finest moment. And my jeans? Well, I've been wearing my "fat" pairs. I figured I was at least 10 pounds up from where I was before Thanksgiving. But this morning? I weighed the exact same amount I did before. When my other pants fit. What?? My only explanation is that my bad eating combined with my total sloth to replace what was left of my muscle mass with fat. Which, of course, takes up much more space. Ugh.

And my plan of healthy food? Well, I stuck with it until about 4. That's when I realized that I just didn't eat enough. It's so counter-intuitive sometimes, but I tried so hard to eat small amounts that by 4 I was ravenous. Combined with the stress of parenting Princess Crankypants (or, "Master Class in Tantrums") and all I wanted was that taco dip. You know, the leftover dip from New Year's Eve. The dip that was going to stop me from even getting started today. I resisted it at first. Sure, I ate an entire bag of microwave popcorn instead (and not the low fat kind...ew....). Then I ate an orange. And then I caved. By 6:30 I was scooping up the last of the taco dip. I did use baked chips. That counts for something, right? Sigh...

The good news is that I am out of taco dip. Or, more accurately, I threw the rest of it away. And that all is not lost. I ate the healthy dinner I had planned, and stuck with my plan of a mug of hot chocolate for dessert. (again, regular, not lite...ew...) And the truth is that had I not started my healthy plan today, I would have eaten a lot worse. I'm not going to throw in the towel. I'll start tomorrow with a healthy breakfast again, and this time be sure to have a few protein-rich snacks as I go through my day to keep hunger at bay. And as for Princess Crankypants? Maybe an extra Elmo video tomorrow too.

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